Let’s be honest: everything good in Jersey starts in a diner — and, man, do we need some good news after last week. And, what better place to take off from than here at the Runway Diner in South Hackensack.
I’m a Jersey guy, through and through. My kids are a fifth generation Jersey family. On one side, my great-grandparents, who were immigrants, started in Linden, and then my mom, of blessed memory, who I miss every day, and her parents moved to Monmouth County, where she graduated from Asbury Park High, and then became a teacher in Elizabeth. I still remember going to Sandy’s Arcade as a kid.
My dad and my hero, who is here and has taught me so much, grew up in West Orange where he started his small business in his basement, while going to Rutgers. My great-grandmother was his book keeper. I grew up in North Caldwell and went to West Essex High School. And, when it came time to raise our family, Marla — my brilliant and beautiful wife — and I moved to Bergen County. Marla is the smartest person I know, and I wouldn’t be standing here today without her. I hope my in-laws appreciated that one. We have two wonderful kids, Ellie and Ben. I love them both so much, and, for me, this is all about them.
We all do what we do for our kids, because there’s nothing more important than our families.
For the last eight years, I’ve been lucky enough to represent families in Sussex, Passaic, and Bergen Counties — home to the GW Bridge, the Meadowlands, the Great Falls, and the Appalachian Trail.
The bottom line: I love Jersey. It’s in my roots and in my bones.
Jersey has given me and my family so much opportunity — and I want to make sure others have the same shot — to get a degree, learn a trade, or start a business or get a good paying job … raise their families and grow old here. After all, we’ve got the best schools, most talented workforce, and beautiful, safe places to live. We claim Bruce, the best bagels and pizza, the Shore, and lakes. My pride in New Jersey is shared by millions.
But, here’s the thing: life in Jersey has become too damn expensive … we pay too much in taxes and too much just to live. It’s driving out job-creating businesses and families and undermining our quality of life. 300,000 people — and scores of businesses and jobs — have left our state in the last few years. 300,000. That’s like losing the entire city of Newark or Atlantic County.
New Jersey is now the fourth most expensive state in the nation to live in, with the second most expensive child care. Our housing costs are more than 35 percent higher than the national average. We have the highest property taxes in the nation, the highest business taxes, high utility prices, and higher income taxes than Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and 43 other states. I hear it all the time from moms and dads, kids coming out of college, and seniors. They love Jersey, but just can’t afford to stay — or even take the family to a diner. That has to change. It’s time for a reboot.
Today, I’m launching my campaign for Governor to cut your taxes and costs, and to make Jersey affordable again. Back to basics. Your health care costs, utility bills, rent, groceries, and taxes. It is all too much – and needs to go down! As Governor, I will lower taxes and lower costs, and help you and your family get ahead.
And, I’ll do it while protecting the values we believe in as Democrats.
In Jersey, we get each other’s backs. We are upfront and direct. We don’t care where you’re from – who you love or marry, or where you pray. But, if you’re a neighbor, we’ll help you out. We want our kids to have clean air and clean water and a great education. We believe women should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies – and that our diversity is our greatest strength. And, we believe in giving people a hand up when they need it, and fighting Donald Trump when we need to, or anyone else who messes with Jersey.
These are what I call Jersey Values, and it’s one of our great competitive advantages as a state – and they’ve guided me through my life, as I know they have yours. We won’t let Donald Trump or anyone else take them away from us.
I’ve been a proud Democrat from birth. I worked for President Clinton and President Obama. I worked at the US Commission on Civil Rights. I helped run a federal agency, started a nonprofit to help the underserved, and worked for some of America’s greatest, innovative, and bedrock companies like Ford and Microsoft.
I understand business. I understand the public sector. And I am ready to lead this state.
As a leader, I have a few guiding principles:
No matter what I’ve done, my north star has always been to solve problems. Just about anyone will tell you — I’m not afraid to work hard and get things done.
When the voters of the Fifth District sent me to Washington, one of the first things I did was help create and now Co-Chair the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus. It has an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. We don’t always agree, but we’re willing to sit together, build relationships, talk civilly about the issues, find places of common ground, and get things done that are good for Jersey.
And, together, we’ve helped pass laws that everyone said were impossible to get done — commonsense gun safety laws, more affordable health care for seniors, new energy investments to fight climate change and bring down prices, foreign aid and counter terrorism legislation, and huge upgrades to infrastructure, including our roads, bridges, mass transit, and the critical Gateway Train Tunnel.
I also believe the private sector and government need to work together to solve problems. Not one or the other, but both.
I hate injustice — economic injustice, bias, and hate. Against anyone.
I seek ideas from everyone. I learn from people, I listen. Sure, I also, fight back and stand up for what I believe in. I mean, come on, I’m from Jersey.
I question, but always to learn. If last week’s election told us Democrats anything, it’s that the people of Jersey don’t think politicians are listening to them — to their needs, their dreams, and to basic common sense.
If I make a promise, I follow through. If I can’t, I’ll tell you why. I believe in accountability.
I am tireless in my commitment to this state, and to all the hard working folks who make Jersey what it is.
And I believe that hardworking Jersey families need a break.
I’m Josh Gottheimer, and I am running to be the Lower Taxes, Lower Costs Governor.
Now, some folks will try and tell you that it’s impossible to make your life more affordable – and live up to our Jersey Values. I couldn’t disagree more. That’s nothing but a false choice. There’s a way to do this.
But, it will take a problem solver — and a Democrat — with the right experience and willingness to get it done — and one who’s not afraid to fight Jersey style when he needs to. I have a particular guy in mind — you’ll find him at Josh4Jersey.com.
Getting this done for you will also take some big ideas, some tough calls, and pissing off a few people who like it the old way. But, to paraphrase my old boss, there’s nothing wrong with Jersey that can’t be fixed with what’s right with Jersey.
Over the course of this campaign, get ready to hear a Jersey-diner menu of ideas – built on four core beliefs:
One: Taxes are too high — and I’ll cut them. This isn’t new for me — my campaign lawns signs, since my first race in 2016, have always said “Lower Taxes, Jersey Values” at the bottom, and I’ve delivered — including expanding the Child Tax Credit, and clawing millions back to Jersey to pay for firetrucks, new roads, and clean drinking water.
Two: We need to get our money’s worth out of government, so that our schools are better, our streets are safer, and the red tape and bureaucracy that ties us up into knots is eliminated.
Three: We must grow and in a way that creates more opportunity for more of you. We need to stop bleeding good-paying jobs and businesses, and start growing. We may be the Garden State, but our economy isn’t blooming the way it should.
Four: Growing our economy is how we can make sure everyone has the chance to succeed, to make the most of your own lives. We’re stronger when we all do better. As the saying goes — and as was laid bare in the last week’s election — it’s the economy stupid, and hardworking, middle-class families need some relief.
Let me give you a few starter details to whet your appetite. A few appetizers. In the coming months, you’re going to hear a lot more about what I plan to do in the state house.
As Governor, I’ll bring down your property and income taxes. Let me say it again, because I don’t think voters have heard that from a Democrat in a long time … I am going to cut your property and income taxes. I plan to change our antiquated tax code to make it cheaper to move to Jersey, buy that first home, and afford to raise a family.
I’ll help make families stronger by expanding the state Child Tax Credit to help cover the cost of child care and will build more starter and senior housing, so folks can stay near their families when they retire.
We need to get your utility bills down with more affordable energy. That will take an all-of-the above approach, including more solar roofs, wind, and carbon-captured natural gas.
I also plan to double down on programs like STAYNJ and help seniors with their property taxes. We must restore the SALT deduction and expand tax deductions for our veterans.
And, to our friends in the Empire State, let me say this: We beat New York’s outrageous Congestion Tax once. And I’m ready to lead the fight to stop it again.
All of this will help us grow, just look at some of the other states — and they don’t have what we have going for us. I’m sick and tired of good paying jobs going there. We need to make Jersey more affordable to open a small business or incubate that new venture — including incentives to move new jobs here, job training, apprentice incentives, and workforce housing.
Governor Murphy has done a great job attracting new sectors like film and entertainment. Now, it’s time to build on New Jersey’s core sectors like life sciences, financial services, eco-tourism, and skilled manufacturing — and look to the cutting-edge AI jobs of the future. I will fight constantly to keep jobs in Jersey, and go door-to-door to bring more of them here.
We also need to get better results for what we are paying for. We must have a first-rate mass transit system without massive breakdowns and delays. I’ll fix and significantly upgrade NJ Transit.
We have an unbelievable workforce in our government. It’s not on them. Government isn’t the problem, but bad government is. We can’t help new businesses grow if they have to deal with government rules and bureaucratic red tape from a hundred years ago. We also need a new “Clawback Czar” in our state, who will focus on one thing: fighting for every federal dollar and dragging them back to Jersey. Louisiana gets about half their annual state budget from the federal government — for their rails and schools — we get about 20 percent.
We can’t attract more families and jobs to our state if families don’t feel safe — in their homes, in their neighborhoods, or even in their cars. We need more cops on the beat and more community policing. And let me add: we need to bring the full force of the law against the antisemites who are harassing Jewish communities all over this state.
Now, I want to be clear — lower taxes and affordability must be joined with a commitment to deliver on our Jersey Values. I’ll be a Governor who protects reproductive freedom, expands family leave and Pre-K, so it’s universal, just like school meals should be … I’ll improve K-12 education, help parents take care of their aging parents, and address the mental health crisis affecting our kids — and so much more. Stay tuned.
I will be an active, get-it-done, problem-solving governor — new ideas and endless energy are in my DNA. I’ll work with mayors and councils — of either party and county and state leaders, civics clubs, PTAs, VFWs, church leaders, and local chambers. I will run an inclusive government seeking out ways to make life in New Jersey more affordable and better. Always better.
And I know that I don’t have all of the answers and solutions — the best ideas come from those who are experimenting with ideas on how to make their communities a better place. That’s why last year I started my JumpStart Jersey initiative to seek out the brightest and best ideas from across our state — listening will be a hallmark of my campaign and administration. Starting today, and right here, I’ll be talking, and listening to folks, at diners in every single county in Jersey.
Finally, know that I respect the other Democrats in this race — we share so much in common on the issues we all care about. But, my focus goes one step further — we must lower taxes and lower costs, and we must make Jersey more affordable for you. This is an urgent task and failure is not an option. We need to win. But, I know that here, in the greatest country in the world, if we work together, our best days will always be ahead of us.
Thank you. God bless you, God bless our state, and may God bless and continue to watch over the United States of America.